Turnaround time for testing is 1-3 days from the day samples are received. However, as the number one priority of the laboratory is to ensure accuracy and quality of testing, the turnaround time cannot be guaranteed if an unusual situation is encountered.
As with any biological testing, specific situations may delay the testing process, including but not limited to:
1. Poor sample quality
If the swabs submitted to the laboratory has low amounts of DNA due to improper sample collection or poor mouth conditions (e.g. excessive drinking, chewing gum, dry mouth, heavy smoking, etc.), the turnaround time may increase and/or recollection may be required. Please remember to follow the collection instructions carefully.
2. Incomplete specimen envelopes
Each individual to be tested must complete and sign the Consent Form on the back of the Specimen Envelope before laboratory testing can begin.
3. Missing sample(s)
All test kits for your purchased DNA test have to be received by the laboratory before laboratory testing can begin. If one or more individuals no longer wishes to participate in the test, please contact our Client Service Team to remove them from the test.
4. Late lab fee payment
Laboratory testing will not begin until all fees are paid in full.
5. Rare genetic variations or mutation(s)
If the laboratory discovers a rare genetic variation or a potential mutation, additional testing may be required.
6. Incest or related alleged fathers
Incest or related alleged fathers. In cases of incest (i.e. where the alleged father is also the father or brother of the mother), or in cases where two or more possible fathers of the same child are closely related to each other (i.e. where the possible fathers of the child are father and son pairs or brothers), additional testing and analysis may be required.